Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Proposal

My fellow neighbors, Nations, friends, allies and anyone else who is concerned about Human Rights Issues, please take 3 minutes to read this. My country, Sudann, is facing a really hard time right now. As you know we, like every country have had our ups and of course our downs. Sudanese people, are very happy, optimistic people that always try to make the best of every situation. But everyone and  eveything reaches its limits. And you all have th right to know what's happening in Sudan,.

Sudanese people are tired of racism, unequalness, abuse, invasion of property etc. We need your help! We need any kind of help you can give us. It can be emotianal help, to help us go through every obstacle that might come in our ways. We need army assistance, to stop the government from taking people to jail, to provide the people with safety, because "everyone has the right to feel safe". We will all be gald to receive any kind of help you can give us. We'll be happy to know that atleast this issue concerns you and that you are willing to help us.

The United Nations should come immediately! We need them do that they can make things right in a peceful way, because the last thing Sudan needs is another civil war. The United Nations should come and stop the government. We need to let the government know that everyone has the right to express themselves, peacefully! They must stop the torture, the cruel and unhuman punishments that the government has settled! The most important thing they should do, is to make the people feel safe, in their own country! Because if the people can not have a happy and peaceful life without feeling safe in their own homes.

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